Game mods & localisations

I have made a few localisations for different games which change the dialogue to use British English, also known as “English (UK)” or the en-GB locale. Most are simple dialogue changes, and some would consider them entirely unnecessary, but I think they should be there as an option if desired.

Screenshot of users on the Steam forum for Stardew Valley insisting there is no point to a British English language option
Screenshot of users on the Steam forum for Stardew Valley insisting there is no point to a British English language option
Title image for Stardew Valley localisation mod
Stardew Valley

Converts spelling and localises some of the language used by NPCs. Also changes time format to 24-hour. Optionally allows you to customise Grandpa's title and the name of Pierre's shop.

Title image for Risk of Rain Returns localisation mod
Risk of Rain Returns

Changes spelling of menus, items and log entries. Also changes log entries' dates to the correct DD/MM/YY format, and renames a couple of items.

Title image for Risk of Rain Returns localisation mod
Valheim (unmaintained)

Changes spelling of menus, items and lore entries.